Coming soon... Masterscriptie 'Percepties van jongeren omtrent protestacties in Nederland'

Momenteel werk ik aan mijn masterscriptie over de percepties van jongeren rondom protestacties in Nederland. Het betreft een kwalitatieve studie waarin jongeren worden geïnterviewd over hoe zij protestacties via het nieuws ervaren. Het onderzoek richt zich op hoe jongeren het nieuws consumeren, hun mening over protesteren en de emoties die ze ervaren bij het zien van disruptieve protestacties in de media. Daarbij wordt onderzocht welke acties zij acceptabel vinden en welke niet. Waar ligt de grens voor Nederlandse jongeren?

Het doel is om de scriptie eind januari af te ronden. 

Course Citizens and Public Opinion - 2024

Met mijn projectgroep hebben we een fictieve activistische campagne ontwikkeld voor Amnesty International, gericht op het motiveren van jongeren om te stemmen bij de EU-verkiezingen van 2024. Amnesty International benadrukt dat sommige partijen die deelnemen aan deze verkiezingen een negatieve houding hebben ten opzichte van democratische waarden en mensenrechten. Ons doel was om jongeren te mobiliseren die zich willen uitspreken tegen de opkomst van rechts-extremistische partijen.

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Online Marketeer - 2019 - 2023

Jobsrepublic is a social recruitment company. One of the goals of Jobsrepublic is to reach people that are not happy with their current job or are seeking one, and let them find a function that suits them. As an Online Marketeer i create social media campaigns according to the needs of the clients, but also with the needs of the target group in mind. This involves managing campaigns within different platforms (Facebook Ad Manager, Google Ads and LinkedIn Campaignmanager) and also customized copywriting for each vacancy campaign.

Internship Marketing & Communication - 2020 - 2021

As my final internship I got the chance to work for one of the biggest Dutch interior design companies. Zuiver B.V. has a number of international interior brands. Each with their own style and target audience. The most known are: Zuiver, Dutchbone and Bold Monkey. I was closely involved in the seasonal campaigns. My most important tasks were maintaining the communication with PR and press, setting up succesful influencer collaborations and  creating content for the three most known brands. In adition I was responsible for analysing social media results, targets and doing research for ongoing trends. 

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Internship Social media & Events - 2018

I started my first internship at restaurant and event host House Of Watt, where I mainly designed promotional material for events and received a lot of creative freedom. Besides that i I also participated in the communication with clients and stakeholders. I created many things; from photographing events to sketching and designing a walking route for clients. One of my bigger assignments was to create a christmas campaign and we decided to make an online and offline advent calender. Online I created a month worth of content with promotions and most photos that were used photographed by myself. The offline calender was placed in the restaurant.